7 Day Juice Fast: Day Three
Day 3 starts at 52.1kg (8.20 stone, 114.8lbs)and feeling great - well rested and raring to go! I need to increase the amount of pure water I drink and increase my activity levels. Tomorrow I'll take a long walk to the fruit and veg. shop. At the weight loss rate I'm achieving now it looks like I'd expect to lose 2kg at the end of the 7-day week. It's not ideal but I'll be happy to shed that and I know that with me being rebooted it will help enormously. I spend a lot of time looking at the fat around my middle to see if it's shrinking - no, it's still there.
I still have 1 or 2 espressos during the day but without sugar. Strangely I haven't missed the sugar and neither do I have the craving for coffee. This is the most bizarre thing as not only do I love coffee but I suspect I'm an addict to coffee.
Other observations are I am not at all tempted by the sight of solid food and I wonder if most food that's advertised is meat based and that doesn't tempt me anyway. My husband did heat up a roast vegetable risotto I'd made last week and put in the freezer and although it smelled wonderful I wasn't tempted to eat any - strange or what? As I'm coming to the end of day 3 and I'm getting low on green vegetable I've been adding more fruit to the juices which will impact on weight loss. I should be aiming for a veg/fruit ratio of 80/20. I'll have to take more care.
The most exciting thing for me at this stage is the reduction in bouts of fatigue. For the past year I have woken up most mornings feeling like I have spent the night drinking alcohol (I occasionally drink half a glass of wine) and then a 10-tonne lorry ran over me. After a shower and some breakfast and a couple of espressos I'm able to do 3 hours of work. I'll have some lunch after which I'm good-for-nothing. It's a fatigue that is so hard to describe. It can strike at any time and in any place and I have an overwhelming need to lie down - even a street bench can beckon. When I sleep at this point it is not a restful nap it's almost as if I fall head first into a coma. I sleep so heavy and I'm sure that if I were to hear the smoke detector go off it would not induce me to move.
This fatigue is chronic. It's there nearly every day but comes in waves of severe for a few days and milder for a while. For the whole 3 days of this juice fast fatigue hasn't hit me at all. I did feel a little tired this afternoon and went for a lie down but it was a good kind of normal tiredness - the kind of tiredness I'd almost forgotten the feeling of.