7 Day Juice Fast: Preparation
My goal is to lose some excess weight that has crept on since I've become less physically active due to the fatigue from MS. I've started off at 52.9 kg (8.33 stone, 116.6 lbs). My weight goal is 48 kg (7.5 stone, 105.6 lbs). This is the weight I've always felt good at and although it may sound low I'm only 5' and I'm not of a slender build. I suspect hollow bones . Besides, these extra 5 kilos sit as fat around my abdomen, which is bad, and I know it means I will have far too much internal (visceral) fat which may cause all kinds of problems for my internal organs.
My waist currently measures 86 cm (34") and if I use the guide that ones waist should not exceed half ones height then the circumference of my waist should not exceed 76 cm (30").
I'm off now to make a list of juices and their ingredients and then to the veggie aisle.